Ethical Reminder

In my ISOM 125 class the other day, we had a lecture about business ethics. (ISOM 125’s real name is Micro Apps for Business, which is a combination of the broad business operations subjects and computer applications like everyone had to take in high school.) The same class period we also had to recreate a memo, so as I got a jump start on my memo, I kept one ear on the lecture my professor was giving. Towards the end of the ethics part of the lecture, he gave a kind word to my class and I that I wanted to share with you…

He said something along the lines of… Don’t do something you don’t believe in, and when he said that he meant in every aspect. An example he gave us was, don’t invest in a company that funds the process of making tobacco products if you are against smoking. Then as his lecture conclusion continued he told us that he didn’t want us to wake up one day wondering why we did something that we never originally wanted to do. And so on…

So, as a friendly reminder, before you make a decision, whether it be a fiscal decision or a major life decision or even such a simple decision of making your bed or not… Remember to think about what you’re doing before you do it.